Ownership of a vehicle comes with many responsibilities, including regular oil checks and fixing mechanical problems when they occur. Broken parts are a part and parcel of vehicle ownership. In the past, most drivers would go to an auto repair shop to fix the damaged part. However, recent years...
auto repair shop
Costly Auto Repair Mistakes When Dealing With Hail Damage On Cars
Hail damage in vehicles is something that most people don't experience very often. In some areas of the country, hailstorms are a normal part of everyday life. Still, many people continue to lose a lot of money on auto repairs and more without good reasons. These are the most common errors that...
What to do if your car is caught in a flood
Floods are among the most frequent weather-related natural catastrophes. According to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association, flooding causes more property and life loss than any other hazard or severe weather. Flooding is an issue in every state of the United States, even those...
Talking To Seniors About Unsafe Driving
It's not easy to have a conversation with your senior loved one, especially if they have been involved in frequent accidents that required expensive auto body repair. They might be getting lost more often. It doesn't matter what the situation is, it can be difficult to talk about your loved one's...