After a serious car accident, you take stock of yourself and thankfully find no major physical damage but you also wonder if you have a totaled car. However, the same cannot be said for your vehicle--it's in dire need of repair, with dented metal and broken windows everywhere. As you survey the...
auto mechanic
Commonly Asked Questions At Car Repair Shops
Mechanics are the go-to resource when caring for your car, and they have witnessed an array of questions over their years in practice. From car repair shops to auto salvage spots, anyone who works with cars has a well-rounded perspective on common queries - so don't be afraid to ask away! As an...
Questions To Ask Your Auto Mechanic
As you hit the road, an unexpected discovery emerged - your car was sending out a whole host of signs that something wasn't quite right. Your vehicle shuddered before suddenly making odd noises as it came to a halt or slowed down; for good measure, there seemed to be some suspicious odors wafting...
Car Maintenance Tips Before A Road Trip
A road trip is an exciting adventure, but car trouble can quickly put a damper on the fun. Don't let it ruin your plans. Take some proactive steps in car maintenance to make sure that you and your vehicle are prepared for whatever lies ahead! A little time spent performing simple maintenance tasks...
Auto Maintenance: Ways to Prepare Your Car for Holiday Travel
When packing your bags for the holidays, remember that your vehicle might not be 100% road-ready for long-distance trips. There are some auto maintenance tips you need to remember. These are six things to auto maintenance tips to remember before you hit the road this holiday season. 1. Inspect...