Welcome to Miller Brothers Auto Repair Shop and Collision Center, Corryton, TN!

Miller Brothers Auto Repair and Collision Center-New Logo

7123 Tazewell Pike

Corryton, TN 37721



(865) 689-5072

FAX: (865) 689-7765




Choosing the Right Dent Repair Option

Choosing the Right Dent Repair Option

We understand that you really care about your car. You do your best to keep it in good shape with regular cleaning and oil changes. But sometimes, accidents happen, like hailstorms or parking lot bumps. Thankfully, there are different ways to fix your car and make it look good again and that...

Understanding the Steps of Collision Repair

Understanding the Steps of Collision Repair

If you're new to the world of collision repair, the process might seem a bit daunting and confusing. Many people just want their car fixed and don't necessarily worry about the details. However, having a clear grasp of the typical collision repair process can provide you with valuable insights...

Signs It Is Time To Change Tires

Signs It Is Time To Change Tires

There are several signs that indicate it may be time to change tires. Here are some common signs to look out for: Tread wear indicators: Most tires come with built-in indicators for tread wear in the form of small rubber bars that run across the tread grooves. If these bars become flush with the...

Diagnostic Scanning

Diagnostic Scanning

It could be that you need diagnostic scanning if...it starts with a clunk or a thud. Or a grinding sound. What does it mean for my vehicle? It is not necessary to understand the car language to recognize that something's wrong. You expect your car to be safe when you get behind the wheel, but some...