Car accidents happen every day. Sometimes your vehicle may be damaged beyond repair. You might be curious about whether auto body shops report damage to insurance companies when it comes to repairs. Let's take a look at what happens at an auto shop when it comes to insurance and reporting damage....
auto body shop
When To Visit A Local Auto Body Shop
A minor scratch on your car can not only be annoying but could also expose the paint and metal underneath your vehicle, which could lower its resale price. The good news? Most nicks or scuffs can be fixed if you have the right tools. However, for more serious scratches, you will need to see an...
Do You Need To File An Insurance Claim For Auto Body Repair?
Many car accident victims ask themselves whether it's worth filing an insurance claim. You might be considering paying out-of-pocket if your vehicle sustains minor or medium damage. Here are some common questions about auto insurance and auto body repair that can help you make an informed decision...
Do All Auto Repair Shops Report To CARFAX
"Show me your CARFAX!" The catchphrase is probably familiar to you. You may also remember the fox mascot in commercials. But have you ever considered how simple a CARFAX report could impact you? A CARFAX report can help buyers avoid buying a lemon that will turn out to be a nightmare. CARFAX can...
Costly Auto Repair Mistakes When Dealing With Hail Damage On Cars
Hail damage in vehicles is something that most people don't experience very often. In some areas of the country, hailstorms are a normal part of everyday life. Still, many people continue to lose a lot of money on auto repairs and more without good reasons. These are the most common errors that...